
The Global Phenomenon

            One of the things that shocks and horrifies me about human trafficking is just what a global phenomenon it is. To prepare for the SOLD Internship, I have watched the films Human Trafficking, Trade and Born into Brothels. In the film, Human Trafficking, children from the United States, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, and other countries are all being trafficked. The film, though fictional, reveals just what a global problem this is. In the movie, Trade, children are trafficked and sold from Mexico, Poland, and Thailand. Born into Brothels is a documentary featuring children from Calcutta, India, who are at risk for being sold or forced into prostitution in the Red Light District.
            Children from all over the world, particularly in developing countries, are at tremendous risk of being sold into slavery, whether sexual or otherwise. It is estimated that there are 27 million slaves in the world today, which is a higher number than any other time in history. As the world becomes evermore interconnected, people are also at risk for exploitation. But there is hope.
            Through the SOLD Project, we seek to raise awareness about this issue, but also to provide hope, particularly to children in Thailand by raising scholarships. Education is a key part of preventing child exploitation and giving them hope and help for the future. 

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